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panderyoudaoicibaDictYouDict[pander 词源字典]
pander: [16] Pandaro was a character in Boccaccio’s Filostrato. He was the cousin of Cressida, and acted as go-between in her affair with Troilus. Chaucer took him over in his Troilus and Criseyde as Pandarus, changing him from cousin to uncle but retaining his role. His name came to be used as a generic term for an ‘arranger of sexual liaisons’ (‘If ever you prove false to one another, since I have taken such pains to bring you together, let all pitiful goersbetween be call’d to the world’s end after my name: call them all Panders’, says Pandarus in Shakespeare’s Troilus and Cressida 1606), and by the mid-16th century was already well on the downward slope to ‘pimp, procurer’.

Its modern use as a verb, meaning ‘indulge’, dates from the 19th century.

[pander etymology, pander origin, 英语词源]