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forgeyoudaoicibaDictYouDict[forge 词源字典]
forge: Forge ‘make’ [13] and forge ahead [17] are two quite distinct and unrelated words in English. The former’s now common connotation of ‘faking’ is in fact a purely English development (dating from the late 14th century) in a word whose relatives in other languages (such as French forger) mean simply ‘make – especially by working heated metal’. It comes via Old French forger from Latin fabricāre ‘make’ (source also of English fabricate, which has similarly dubious connotations).

The related noun forge goes back to Latin fabrica (whence also English fabric), amongst whose specialized senses was ‘blacksmith’s workshop’. Forge ‘move powerfully’, as in forge ahead, may be an alteration of force.

=> fabric[forge etymology, forge origin, 英语词源]