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cauldronyoudaoicibaDictYouDict[cauldron 词源字典]
cauldron: [13] Etymologically, cauldrons are for heating not food but people. The word comes ultimately from Latin calidārium ‘hot bath’, which was a derivative of the adjective calidus ‘warm’ (related to English calorie, and, by a much more circuitous route, lee ‘sheltered area’ and probably lukewarm). Among the descendants of calidārium were late Latin caldāria ‘pot’, which produced French chaudière (possible source of English chowder) and Vulgar Latin *caldario, which passed into Anglo-Norman, with a suffix indicating great size, as caudron ‘large cooking pot’.

In English, the l was reintroduced from Latin in the 15th century.

=> calorie, chowder, nonchalant[cauldron etymology, cauldron origin, 英语词源]