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- head

[head 词源字典] - head: [OE] The word head can be traced back ultimately to Indo-European *kauput-, *kaupet-, which probably had connotations of ‘bowl’ (as in ‘skull’) as well as ‘head’, although which came first is not clear. From it was descended prehistoric Germanic *khaubutham, *khaubitham, which produced German haupt, Dutch hoofd, Swedish huvud, and English head.
A variant of the Indo-European ancestor, *kaput-, seems to have been responsible for the Latin word for ‘head’, caput (source of a wide range of English words, including capillary, capital, captain, and chief), and also for Sanskrit kapucchala- ‘hair at the back of the head’ and Danish hoved ‘head’. And a further related form, *keup-, produced English hive, Latin cūpa ‘barrel’, and medieval Latin cuppa (source of English cup and German kopf ‘head’).
=> capital, captain, chief, cup[head etymology, head origin, 英语词源]