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portyoudaoicibaDictYouDict[port 词源字典]
port: English has no fewer than five distinct words port, all of them going back to the Latin stem port-, a descendant of the Indo-European base *por- ‘going, passage’ (from which English also gets fare, ford, etc). Based on this stem was portus ‘harbour’ (etymologically a ‘place by which one enters’), which was borrowed into English as port ‘harbour’ [OE].

It is thought that the nautical port ‘left’ [17] originally denoted the side of the vessel facing harbour. And port the drink [17] gets its name from Oporto (literally ‘the port’), the town at the mouth of the river Douro in Portugal through which port is shipped. From Latin portus was derived the verb portāre, which presumably originally meant ‘bring into port’, but by classical times had broadened out to simply ‘carry’.

This gave English the military verb port ‘carry’ [16], and also underlies deport [15], export [15], import, important, portable [14], portfolio [18] (etymologically a ‘carrier of leaves’ or papers), portly [16], portmanteau, report, and transport. Also from portus comes English opportunity. From the same stem came Latin porta ‘gate, door’, which reached English via Old French porte as port ‘gate’ [13].

It came to be applied in the 14th century to an ‘opening in the side of a ship’, and it is now most commonly encountered in the compound porthole [16]. Portal [14] and portcullis are among its descendants.

=> fare, ferry, fiord, ford; deport, export, import, important, opportunity, portable, portly, report, transport; porch, portal, portcullis, porthole, portico[port etymology, port origin, 英语词源]