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stencilyoudaoicibaDictYouDict[stencil 词源字典]
stencil: [14] Stencil was originally a verb, meaning ‘decorate with bright colours’. It came from Old French estenceler ‘cause to sparkle’, a derivative of estencele ‘spark’. This was descended from Vulgar Latin *stincilla, an alteration of Latin scintilla ‘spark’ (source of English scintilla ‘jot’ [17] and scintillate [17]). There are no records of this original verb beyond the 15th century, and the noun stencil ‘sheet with cut-out designs’ did not appear until the early 18th century, but despite the long gap, they are generally assumed to be the same word.
=> scintillate, tinsel[stencil etymology, stencil origin, 英语词源]