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pawnyoudaoicibaDictYouDict[pawn 词源字典]
pawn: English has two words pawn. The older, ‘chess piece’ [14], means etymologically ‘footsoldier’. It comes via Anglo-Norman poun from medieval Latin pedō ‘infantryman’, a derivative of Latin pēs ‘foot’ (to which English foot is related). The foot-soldier being the lowest of the low in the army, the term came to be applied to the ‘chess piece of lowest rank’. (English gets pioneer from a derivative of paon, the Old French version of poun.) Pawn ‘pledge as security for a loan’ [15] comes via Old French pan ‘security, pledge’ from a prehistoric West Germanic *panda (source of modern German pfand ‘pledge, security, pawn’). Penny may go back to the same source.
=> foot, pedal, pioneer; penny[pawn etymology, pawn origin, 英语词源]