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momentyoudaoicibaDictYouDict[moment 词源字典]
moment: [14] As the closely related momentum [17] suggests, ‘movement’ is the etymological notion underlying moment. It comes via Old French moment from Latin mōmentum. This was a contraction of an assumed earlier *movimentum, a derivative of movēre ‘move’ (source of English move), and it had a wide range of meanings: from the literal ‘movement’ (preserved in English in the directly borrowed momentum) developed the metaphorical ‘instant of time’ (which arose from the notion of a particle so small as only just to ‘move’ the pointer of a scale) and ‘importance’ – both preserved in English moment.

The former has been allotted the derived adjective momentary [16], the latter momentous [17].

=> momentous, momentum, move[moment etymology, moment origin, 英语词源]