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howyoudaoicibaDictYouDict[how 词源字典]
how: [OE] How belongs to the large family of question-words which in Indo-European began with qw- (as in English quantity, query, etc). The phonetic descendant of this in prehistoric Germanic was khw-, which in modern English is represented by wh-. How itself comes from a West Germanic adverb *khwō formed from the base that also produced English what and who; like who it has lost its /w/ sound, but since who did not lose it until considerably later the spelling wh remains as a reminder of it.

The how! with which North American Indians supposedly greet each other is not the same word, incidentally. It is an imitation of a Sioux word, such as Dakota háo or Omaha hau.

=> what, who[how etymology, how origin, 英语词源]